AmigaActive (773/2143)

From:Richard Lane
Date:9 May 2000 at 21:16:32
Subject:Re: 0800

Hello Neil

On 09-May-00, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Richard Lane said,
>>>> Take a look on the newsgroup alt.internet.providers.redhotant to see what
>>>> some of the silly buggers are up to.
>>> So, for those of us who don't tour the news groups, care to tell ?
>> Well it all boils down to the same thing, connected 24/7 and downloading
>> stuff.
> Gasp! Connected *and* using the connection! That's terrible!</sarcasm>


> In what way is using an Internet connection to download stuff from the
> Internet abuse?

None, but the point I was trying to make (badly) was that unless there's
unlimited bandwidth and modems available, which like all ISP's there's not,
eventually it will reach saturation point where no one can get connected. If
people where paying normal BT rates would they hog the resources for hours on
end downloading tons of MP3's etc? of course they wouldn't. So why do they do
it on RHA. Yes because it's free'ish. Selfish buggers. :)

Best Regards, Richard Lane - wishing he'd never joined this thread. :)

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